Skyline Foundation

SKYLINE SCHOOL FOUNDATION: Funding Our Children's Education

Funds raised by the Skyline School Foundation

What is the Skyline School Foundation?
We are parent volunteers and donors joining together to improve education at Skyline School.

How does the Foundation Improve Education?
The Foundation is the only parent organization that can directly fund additional staffing for Skyline School. We help pay for needed educators when public funding falls short. The first $10k raised is 100% dedicated to Skyline School. Two-thirds of additional funds raised stay at Skyline School, while the remaining third goes to our umbrella organization, FundForPPS (FFPPS) ( FFPPS sends these funds to the PPS Equity Fund, where it is used to fund education improvements district-wide.

What has the Foundation been able to do in the past?
The Skyline School Foundation became active in 2001-02 and has been continuously providing for additional school staff. Over the years the Foundation has funded Spanish teachers, PE teachers, Educational Assistants, Elementary and Middle School teachers.

How does the Foundation raise the funds to do this?
Individual donors make tax-deductible donations. Many local employers match including Daimler, Intel, Nike, Techtronix and others. Check with your HR department to find out if your company matches donations.

Budget your giving by becoming a Sustaining Circle donor. Make recurring donations through the Fund for PPS website. Go to FFPPS donate 

Our biggest fundraiser is the Annual School Auction, usually held in early March.

How can I help the Foundation improve education at Skyline School?
Donate: For one-time or regular contributions you can contribute online here FFPPS donate

1. IMPORTANT: Select Skyline School & check with your employer to see if they offer matching donation funds!

2. Participate. Volunteer or come to any of our meetings! Foundation meetings normally follow PTA meetings on the third Thursday of each month If you can’t make the meetings, we’d love to have volunteers help with our fundraisers, or put your creativity to work suggesting new fundraisers or improvements to existing events. Contact any Foundation officers for opportunities to help keep Skyline School a great place to learn!

2022-2024 Skyline School Foundation Board

President - Jacki George
Secretary -
Treasurer - Amanda Schehr

Contact Foundation: skylinefoundation (at)